The popular television show X Factor has been around since 2004 and was originally a British television music competition until its success reached an unprecedented level and became a worldwide sensation. Created by Simon Cowell, it began in September of 2004 and was used as a competition to allow aspiring singers to perform in front of crowds in judges all to reach the final and be awarded a recording contract for their efforts during the season and this holds the opportunity for a full time career as a professional singer. The X Factor UK has managed to produce some great names in the music industry, such as Olly Murs, Leona Lewis, Leon Jackson, and boy band JLS. The success of the series and the major audience which it attracts adds thrills and excitement to each week of the competition as well as with each eviction. Couple with the success of gambling and novelty betting, X Factor betting has arisen and given a new excitement to an already tense competition.
Novelty betting has taken a much large stand over the past years as more and more gamblers and enthusiasts look to expand their horizons and try for a new and different challenge in the hopes of earning some money as an added bonus to the power of knowledge and being correct. Alongside this, there is also an attraction for those who do not necessarily have an interest in betting or consider themselves gamblers. With new and exciting reality competitions also bringing forth the punters, X Factor betting has become a strong success since the inauguration of the show itself. The added appeal of these novelty bets especially to a popular competition such as the X Factor also appeals to some already established fans of the series, allowing them to become more actively involved and also put their know how to the test, to see if they are able to pick the winner themselves.
To help participants make the most of their efforts, many websites have been created and dedicated to following these reality shows, including the X Factor. Consistently updated and scrutinised, they provide an in depth analysis of each occurrence during the show and provide the appropriate odds accordingly. For example, if a contestant gets a reprimand from perhaps one or a few of the judges, this does not do well to improve their chances as well as opinion in the public eye. Alongside this, professional tipsters also add their opinion to the mix and go all out to contest the competition, adding their predictions as a spanner to the works. Regardless of whether or not they are correct, the initial prediction can help to sway or impede the overall estimated odds for the individual for progressing as the competition moves forward and the odds are adjusted accordingly.
Unlike conventional betting, X Factor betting has become a surprising hit amongst gamblers and added more excitement and anticipation to an event that has already managed to captivate the United Kingdom, where you still cannot predict the capacity of each and every contestant. So what your predictions for this season’s X Factor competition? Will you go with the people’s choice or gamble on will you take a chance on a dark horse with higher betting odds?