To determine who will be the King and Queen of the Jungle, eight to fifteen contestants must survive in the jungle for a few weeks. The contestants of the reality television game show who are celebrities and prominent people must live together without luxuries and they need to compete to win the grand cash prize. I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here is a popular TV show aired in the UK, US and India. Apart from being very exciting, the show has a good cause too because each celebrities, in return for their appearance nominate a charity to which the producer of the show will make donations too. The celebrity players will not leave empty handed however as they are paid a fee to compensate for their loss of earnings. The show, due to its nature and casts has gained a wide popularity for both avid followers of reality shows as well as bettors for the I’m a Celebrity betting started by many online betting sites. Many watchers and bettors followed the show since its beginning in 2002 that’s why it’s no wonder that it reached its seventh season last year.
The series is set in Australia for the UK, German and US version. They have set up camp there permanently at the edge of the subtropical rainforest. There are many other franchises filmed in other locations of the world such as Brazil, Argentina and Malaysia casting their own local celebrities to fit the country perfectly. The money is raised for the show by having viewers vote via calling, texting and by TV interactive service by having a celebrity compete a “Bushtucker Trial”. The trial is a physical task involving scary animals and insects like snakes, spiders and others. The votes of the viewers are for the celebrities they want to win.
As the celebrities get evicted, the tasks in the series get more complicated and more fun for the viewers. However, for the celebrities, it gets more difficult and sometimes gross. They need to please the viewers though, so they would get the most votes. Bettors who are following the series would have an idea for I’m a Celebrity betting by knowing who failed tasks and who got the least vote from the viewers. The show is a little bit the same as Survivor, the difference is that I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here has celebrities in it, obviously.
It’s the same reason that viewers love this show and follow these kinds of shows especially because most of them are fans of the contestants of the series. It is the same for bettors placing their bets on who will be evicted in the I’m a Celebrity betting, a fun pastime for those rooting for a leading celebrity. Not only do they enjoy predicting who gets evicted and who wins, but they also win a handsome cash prize. Last year’s winner of the reality series was Dougie Poynter, bassist of the band McFly. The details and contenders of this year’s show have yet to be announced. Many people are eager to know this year’s cast and some are even betting on it.